We have some exciting news! At Nookal, we continually seek out innovative integrations, and we’re thrilled to announce that Birdeye is now available to connect with your Nookal account.

Shining the Spotlight onto Birdeye

Birdeye can provide you with tools to collect and manage your clinic’s online reviews, monitor your social media, and gather patient feedback to improve your online presence.

Birdeye uses 3 main strategies:

  • Attract – Using listings, reviews, etc, Birdeye can help attract people to your business.
  • Convert – Birdeye uses tools like web chat and social media to turn interested individuals into clients at your clinic.
  • Delight – With Birdeye, you can gather valuable feedback through surveys, analyse the data, and use the results to make informed business decisions.

Birdeye Review Management and Messaging

Diving Deeper into Birdeye

Birdeye is trusted by more than 150,000+ brands, who each depend on its service to increase their business growth. The effectiveness of Birdeye’s seamless review processes is significant, allowing clients to submit reviews on three platforms with a single action.

Birdeye can help you in other ways, such as:

  • Onsite Webchat – This can be implemented onto your website as a functional communication channel for patients.
  • Social Media – Using Birdeye, you can schedule posts and images for all your social media platforms to appear at times and dates of your choosing, which can be generated manually by your marketing team or automated by AI.
  • Summarising Feedback – Birdeye can utilise AI to analyse your feedback gathered from surveys and reviews to give you a comprehensive overview of how your patients view your services and your clinic.

Birdeye allows you to respond to feedback to resolve issues and celebrate your success with 5-star reviews.

How Does Birdeye Connect with Nookal?

After a completed and paid appointment, the Birdeye integration will automatically reach out to the patient, inviting them to leave a review of your clinic and services on multiple platforms in one easy step.

Each review request can be personalised and addressed to the patient as their details can be retrieved from your Nookal account.

Wrap it Up

Take advantage of the opportunity to elevate your clinic’s online presence and customer satisfaction. Visit the Birdeye website to get started.

To connect your Nookal account with Birdeye, check out our latest instructions: Connecting Nookal to Birdeye.

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About the Author


Lizzie is our witty worldwide web wordsmith who writes wise wordage while watching Wilton, her favourite family-friendly four-footed feline feebly fishing for food. She strings superbly sweet sentences, stopping swiftly short of superfluous saccharine speak such as "synergy".

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