Our Team
The people that bring you their best so you can do your best.
The people that bring you their best so you can do your best.
Our awesome team has been built with people who deliver the best of their talent time and time again. For every yin we make sure we have a yang.
And although we come from a range of diverse cultures and backgrounds, we’re united passionately in our mission to bring you the best clinic practice management platform.
Chief Executive Officer
Darren is our co-founder, CEO and qualified Physiotherapist - he brings years of vital and invaluable insight and experience gained by owning and managing successful multi-location brands of allied health practices around the globe.
If Darren could only have one app on his computer, it would be Nookal (of course) - but Microsoft Excel would be a very close second. We dare not challenge him to a spreadsheet showdown… we're still recovering from the last one.
An insatiable desire for exercise means that his day starts with a trip to the gym to beat yesterday's best, followed by an epic daily to-do list of details that matter when keeping Nookal in peak performance.
He loves studying behavioural patterns and it shows with his go-to movie, The Social Network.
Chief Technology Officer
Jamie is our co-founder and Chief Technology Officer, he keeps a very close eye-for-detail on our infrastructure and networking. His years of technical experience are critical to ensuring we are always delivering you top-notch reliable and secure practice management software.
If Jamie was to appear in a talent show, his special skill would be landing a light aircraft by instruments-only on a really foggy day. We know that's totally worthy of the golden buzzer from all three judges.
Jamie's way to start a day begins with an epic walk or run alongside a furry family member, before pressing play on his classic rock playlist to help focus on the details that keep Nookal running smoothly for you.
He gets the need (the need for speed) from his go-to movie, Top Gun.
James leads our development by planning and delivering new and exciting features across the Nookal platform to help your business grow. He also loves researching and experimenting with cutting edge technology to make sure we're leading the way in software development.
If James was in charge of dinner, he would serve you a vindaloo so hot that you cry. We promise you that he's definitely not a sadist, he just likes it spicy.
An avid reader of the latest world news at breakfast, he doesn't have any problems being productive with the rest of his day - you've just got to be able to stop him. A day off for James means reading, playing his guitar and exercising.
With a brilliant mind just like Tony Stark, his go-to movie is Avengers: Infinity War.
Lucy, our Customer Support Team Lead, is always looking for ways to help. Whether she's assisting customers or supporting her team, she's all about making things easier while keeping the energy upbeat.
If Lucy could teleport, Japan would be her first stop especially for the food! She's a massive fan of Japanese cuisine and she'd love to experience it first hand tracking down the best local spots.
Her perfect morning starts with taking Oli (her dog) for a walk, before the day gets busy. Outside of work, she's either training for a half-marathon, tending to her veggie patch, or chatting her way through a gym class.
If she could step into a movie, it would be Dirty Dancing! So she could dance like nobody's watching and have the time of her life!
Sarah goes out of her way to ensure our new customers have the ultimate experience while they take Nookal for a test drive. She makes sure you are fully aware of how we can permanently improve your business. Her aim is to have everything ticked off your list and to help you make a comprehensive assessment.
If Sarah's superpower dream came true, she'd teleport herself to Switzerland and be nothing more than a flash as she whizzed down the slopes of the Swiss Alps. Using her experience as a Physiotherapist allows Sarah to truly connect with our customers and help them reach their business goals.
Her guilty pleasure is a cup of coffee along with a small morsel of chocolate which gives her the inspiration to entice and motivate you to make the switch.
Sarah delivers a spoonful of serenity and calmness amongst scenes of chaos and mischief, much like the nanny in her favourite movie - Mary Poppins!
Jon is a highly driven customer relationship officer who prides himself on delivering the best solutions for our users. With his friendly yet professional approach, he will guide you on how best to utilise our software based on your unique needs.
If Jon was on the road, it is hard to say if he would ever stay in one place for long as he believes it is all about the journey and not the destination. He draws on his experience in his previous roles in sports clinics, private clinics and public clinics to help our customers on their own business pathways.
His ideal day would start with meditation, a swim and perhaps a game of badminton. These rituals help him to maintain focus and be as productive as possible as he aims to complete one task at a time.
Like Forrest Gump in Jon's favourite movie, he believes life is like a box of chocolates and that he should run (Jon) run!
Anne brings creativity, strategy, and plenty of experience to lead our marketing team. She's managed award-winning projects, built successful partnerships across industries, and is always on the lookout for new ways to connect businesses with their audiences.
If Anne could time travel, she'd be skipping ahead to see what the future of marketing looks like. We'd expect a full report when she gets back, preferably with insights we can use.
She kicks off her day with a strong coffee and a strategy session, which sets the groundwork for her to stay focused and achieve her goals.
And if she were in a movie, it would be Beaches! Singing along, sharing big laughs, and proving that the best friendships stand the test of time.
Tristan is our front-end developer responsible for ensuring that every element on our website is in its rightful place. He knows that even the tiniest pixel or line of code can have a significant impact on the user experience of our website.
If he wasn't so good at his job, he might be a lettuce farmer and spend his spare time dreaming of riding on horseback into the wilderness of Mongolia - despite never having ridden a horse. And if the lettuce farm never took off, he might build an underwater habitat to keep up his hobby of swimming with sharks while avoiding any 8-legged friends on land.
Tristan begins his day by diving into his extensive to-do list. He then spends it carefully monitoring our website features to ensure that they are functioning optimally and delivering an exceptional customer experience.
His favourite movie, Apocalypse Now, famously claimed that "Nothing smells better than napalm in the morning", but for Tristan, that honour belongs to a freshly brewed cup of coffee.
Sam makes sure that you receive the best practice management support that we can deliver. Her self-proclaimed general awesomeness helps to deliver the next level of Nookal knowledge and support directly to you and your team.
If Sam was to annoy her coworkers by listening to a song on constant repeat, her ballad of choice would be Zombie by The Cranberries. It really gets stuck "in your head" - and we would know...
The trifecta of reading, music and gaming keeps her sane, and a plethora of different to-do lists make sure Sam keeps those Nookal updates coming for you, before finishing her day off devouring some tasty Indian cuisine.
If she was, to be frank about it, then her go-to movie would be Donnie Darko.
Baljit is a solution-orientated software developer who delivers the magic behind the scenes, constantly setting the bar to bring you an amazing Nookal experience. She strives to make sure we understand your needs when it comes to practice management.
If Baljit was to challenge you to a sports showdown, you'd most likely be looking at her from the other side of a badminton court. Considering the high level of agility, speed and precision in her work, we sure don't want to be on the receiving end of her serve.
A cup of tea in the morning and a mantra of positivity gets Baljit psyched up while she prioritises how she's going to refine the best practice management software the world has to offer. And like a true trendsetter, she loves to stay ahead of the game on social media.
Not a fan of mystery or intrigue, her go-to movie is [REDACTED].
Megan develops, implements and refines the visual parts of the Nookal experience to make sure that everything you need is easy for you to find and use. Anything we can do to improve your efficiency and productivity, it's on Megan's list.
If Megan was holding the TV remote, you'd probably find yourself watching an episode of Friends. She's competitive like Monica, and likes creative writing like Chandler, so we're not really sure which is her favourite...
Grabbing a slice of toast while making a checklist for the day, she then closes all the unimportant browser tabs before focusing on how we can keep you focused throughout your day.
If the beacons are lit, her go-to movie is The Lord of the Rings.
Thomas works behind the scenes at Nookal as a backend developer. He helps implement new features, so your Nookal account is always on the cutting edge.
An ideal day for Thomas would probably start with some Football, followed by jumping online for some gaming, all while devouring a delicious hamburger.
Thomas knows that life can only be lived forwards, but his favourite quote implies that it can only be understood backwards - "You can't connect the dots looking forwards, you can only connect them looking backwards."
No single movie was able to earn the "marvel-ous" title of Thomas's favourite film, but he has a top three: Avengers: Infinity War, Avengers: Endgame, and Spiderman: No Way Home.
Katie is a key support team member, guiding customers through Nookal like a skilled captain navigating calm waters. Her dedication ensures our users have a smooth, stress-free experience so they can sail through their day confidently.
If Katie wasn't so brilliant at her job, you might find her building a house out of shipping containers while spending other spare moments sailing along the world's most remarkable coastlines.
She'd love to be able to take all the animals in the world on her adventures, but for now, she'll have to settle for having her dog as her first mate.
With her talent for steering our clients through challenges, it's no wonder that Katie's favourite movie is Captain Phillips, packed full of high-seas adventures and strong support!
Kane directs your daily user experience through the Nookal interface by designing new features and refining existing ones. He endeavours for a strong understanding of your needs to make sure we keep everything user-centric.
If Kane had to pick a holiday destination, it would be Japan. He says it's for the culture, but we know that it's really because they have fast cars, neons and drift competitions - and he's too fast to be furious.
Since Kane's not allowed to sleep-in, multiple back-to-back coffees get him up and going long enough to turn the 80s hits up to 11 so that he can focus on leading the way to bring you exciting new clinic software tools.
It's definitely no problemo for him to pick his go-to movie, Terminator 2.
Shannon is our qualified Accountant who makes sure that all of our numbers make cents in your Nookal account. With her many years of experience in different finance sectors around the world, she crosses all the T's and dots all the I's.
If Shannon was stuck on a desert island, she would... have taken a different plane. We really need to rethink that interview question.
A single smooth roasted coffee gives her the power she needs to get her day started, and an ambient chillout playlist secures Shannon's focus on all the numbers and calculations that make Nookal amazing in your clinic.
It wouldn't be inconceivable to think that her go-to movie is, The Princess Bride.
Audrey is one of our support team's superstars who strives to deliver exceptional customer service. With her excellent listening skills and friendly sense of humour, she ensures you have a great experience and are provided with the ideal solutions.
Taking advantage of her previous experiences, she recognises the importance of getting things done and is here to support you in efficiently managing your business.
Her preferred day would begin with a generous serving of fruit while enjoying some much-needed peace and quiet. She might otherwise be found treating herself to some chocolate while getting stuck into an episode or two of Friends.
Being a bit of a romantic, her favourite movie is The Notebook, which is sure to pull on even the toughest of heartstrings!
Jordan is a highly motivated individual who uses his skills in coding to produce high-quality streamlined processes that help create the best experience for every Nookal user.
Jordan likes to start his day with an early morning run, and if he could select a superpower, he would choose enhanced speed, allowing him time to fit one of his favourite Japanese meals before his workday begins.
It's hard to narrow down what motivates Jordan, but it would be safe to say that he would be right there if food, sport, and TV were on offer.
He would love to escape from reality and into a world of no spoons, like his favourite movie - The Matrix.
Casey is passionate about solving our customers' queries, from quick 'how-to' questions to more complicated mysteries. She is committed to taking the time to ensure each customer's experience is stress-free and seamless.
If Casey's superpower turned into reality, she'd be able to time travel, find out the winning lotto numbers, and use her fortune to set up a sanctuary for retired animals. This ability would also mean she'd be able to solve customer queries before they even happened, ensuring everything keeps running smoothly.
She loves to start her day with a cup of tea and a snuggle with her cat, unwind with some gaming, and dream up new ways to tackle challenges.
Given her love of solving mysteries, it should come as no surprise that her favourite movie is Detective Pikachu, which is packed full of intrigue, and adventure!
Morgan is our release manager who helps bring all the brand-spanking-new features and updates to your Nookal account. He also works alongside our customer support team to make sure you've got all the answers you need.
If Morgan had to choose between dogs and cats, he says that he would pick dogs. But we're not totally convinced, because he has a very curious nature… like a cat.
He loves to start his day with coffee, before putting on some rock 'n roll or hip hop to kickstart his to-do list. In his spare time, Morgan loves a good table-top game with a sprinkling of intrigue, which is what makes him suited to solving mysteries for you.
A man of prime childhood nostalgia, his go-to movie is Transformers from 1986.
Lizzie is our witty worldwide web wordsmith who writes wise wordage while watching Wilton, her favourite family-friendly four-footed feline feebly fishing for food. She strings superbly sweet sentences, stopping swiftly short of superfluous saccharine speak such as "synergy".
If you asked Lizzie to select the next karaoke song, she would pick "Living on a Prayer" - we're sure it doesn't make a difference if we make it or not, but we'll give it a shot.
A playlist dedicated to her state of mind and a cup of strong coffee inspire Lizzie to craft and compose the publications and notifications you can find throughout our website and social media.
Salvation lies within her favourite movie, The Shawshank Redemption.
Eva is a multitasking genius who strives to bring our customers the best support to ensure that their experience with Nookal is nothing short of exceptional.
If Eva won the lotto, there is no doubt she'd combine her favourite sport with her dream destination and head to Athens to watch the national soccer team win a game. And when all is said and done, she'll be snuggled up on the couch with a cuddly dog and watching her most loved TV programme, The Block.
The perfect day for Eva would start with a delicious, wholesome breakfast so she has the energy to design and build a stylish interior to earn a top score from the judges.
And just like Wonder Woman (her favourite movie and character), Eva is strong, fiercely independent and willing to face danger head-on in her fight for justice!
Jadzia is a super support team member who provides you with the fabulous assistance you expect from Nookal. She supports you with a high degree of professionalism combined with the right amount of empathy and friendliness.
If Jadzia won Lotto, she'd likely want to go on an adventure to Spain, take some fantastic photos, find a Falafel cafe, and she might also use some of her free time to start a new hobby such as Needle Felting.
She likes to start the day with a nice cup of coffee, and when provided with chocolate, her drive to succeed will exceed even the highest expectations.
But she's not worried about giant cartoon heads if her favourite movie Frank is anything to go on.
Molly works hard to deliver excellent service to each and every customer. She likes to dig deep and find the perfect solution to any issue that may arise at a given time.
Molly loves dressing up and smashing personal bests so she leapt at the chance to wear a penguin costume and break a Guinness World Record. If she won the lotto, she might go on a long snowboarding trip to New Zealand before relaxing on a cruise back so that she can keep diving for her pearls of practice management wisdom.
A walk in the sunshine with a coffee in hand ensures her day starts off in the right direction putting her into an exceptional intellectual space to be able to work as part of our support team.
Her favourite movie is Remember The Titans which indicates that she will run a mile if she ever drops the ball.
Austin crafts the Nookal story and keeps you up-to-date on our latest developments by leading our marketing team. If you've ever searched for practice management software and found Nookal, then you've seen his work.
If Austin had to pick one song to play every time he entered a room, it would be Nelly vs. the Bee Gees - Stayin' Hot. We're not sure what instigated his strange love of mashups, but if you find yourself within earshot at 4pm on a Friday then you're in for a treat run for cover.
Never starting two subsequent days the same way keeps him on his toes and ready to bring you the latest news in the exciting world of clinic software.
Just like the size of his ego, his go-to movie is The Incredibles.
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